Vendor Registration
Vendors Welcome!
Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the 2023 edition of the SoFlo Chili Fest! We want to inform you that vendor registration is now closed. However, we still welcome you to use the form below to share information about your company. This will allow us to keep your details on file for future events and opportunities.
The SoFlo Chili Fest is always on the lookout for unique vendors with handmade crafts, home goods, jewelry, art, bar accessories, clothing, pre-packaged goods, and more. By providing information about your company through the form below, you will be considered for future vendor opportunities. We appreciate your understanding and interest in being a part of the SoFlo Chili Fest!
Thank you,
The SoFlo Chili Fest Team
Submissions for the 2023 SoFloChili Festival are now CLOSED. To receive details about the 2024 SoFloChili Festival registration, please contact us by using the form below: